22日,中国电影发行放映协会发布通知,要求做好2021年春节档电影院疫情防控工作。通知要求,各单位要配备防护用品,做好影院消杀通风。严格线上售票预约限流,确保场次间隔合理,做好观众入场检测,监督进入影院区域的工作人员和观众必须正确佩带口罩。完善应急处置预案,做好发现疫情时的应对处理。Whether you're a movie buff or not, the Spring Festival holiday is always one of the most highly-anticipated peak seasons for box office sales in China. This year, seven movies are expected to premiere during the Chinese New Year, including "Detective Chinatown 3," which was originally scheduled to open in theaters in the same festivity, but last year. However, a resurgence of scattered coronavirus infections across the country is casting a glooming sign over theaters and studios. On Friday, the film industry association in China has reiterated the importance of following COVID-19 guidance strictly in cinemas. Health and safety measures like limited attendance and increased disinfection will be in place.似曾相识的剧本也在大洋彼岸上演着——面对反复肆虐的新冠疫情,欧美国家收紧防疫措施,大部分影院再次关闭,好莱坞电影不得不迎来又一波改档延期潮—— 据悉, 人见人爱的“捣蛋鬼”《比得兔2:逃跑计划》(Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway)由2021年4月2日推迟至6月11日;
丹尼尔·克雷格将最后一次出演007詹姆斯·邦德《007:无暇赴死》(No Time to Die)从原定的北美2021年4月2日推迟至10月8日,这是该片第三度延期;
在伦敦取景的《Soho区惊魂夜》(Last Night in Soho)由2021年4月23日推迟至10月22日;
被粉丝吐槽中文译名的《超能敢死队》(Ghostbusters: Afterlife)由2021年从6月11日推迟至11月11日。
For Hollywood producers and theater owners, it certainly is a case of déjà vu. Take the new James Bond film "No Time to Die" for instance, the action film has shifted schedule for the third time and has now been pushed to October 8. The movie was supposed to be one of the biggest entertainment events of 2020.
索尼“蜘蛛侠电影宇宙”新作《莫比亚斯:暗夜博士》(Morbius)上周刚宣布由原定的北美2021年3月18日推迟至10月8日,22日THR又报道称,该片又推迟至2022年1月22日;荷兰弟主演的电影《神秘海域》(Uncharted)档期也从原定的北美2021年7月16日推迟至2022年2月11日。据Variety报道,定档2021年5月7日的《黑寡妇》(Black Widow)也很可能会再次延期...A batch of Marvel blockbusters has also been postponed. Many productions are skipping the entire 2021 season and won't be available until 2022.另外,戛纳电影节主办方也将于本月末公布是否会如期举行。如果延后,目前考虑最有可能在7月5日到25日间举办。The Cannes Film Festival will decide by the end of the month whether they can hold this year's event in May as scheduled or postpone to sometime between July 5-25, according to reports.
话说回来,对于中国影院而言,这个迟到的春节档意义重大。对不少网友来说,“就地过年的话,春节档电影就是我的娱乐了,孤独~”那么在疫情防控形势愈发严峻的情况下,应该如何确保观影安全?With local authorities in China encouraging citizens to "stay put" during the Spring Festival holidays, going to the cinema may be one of the few recreational options available. Here is a tip on how to keep safe while going to the movies amid the pandemic.